Local activist leads Sayville round table

Vincent Vertuccio, a local activist within the Greater Sayville area led an informal round table meeting observed by officials of the Commonwealth of Sayvillian Regions, and other diplomats within the Long Island Micronational Area and beyond.

Mr Vertuccio had just a week ago organised a vigil for the late Ruth Ginsburg boasting an estimated 200 attendees including State Senator Monica Martinez.

The meeting focused on issues relevant to the Sayvillian community, such as politics, demographics and local history. Amongst the issues discussed, one such brought up was the incorporation movement to incorporate Sayville into a village.

Near the end of the meeting, the host discussed the origins of West Sayville after a question from an attendee. Vertuccio informed the table that West Sayville had originally been an unnamed area adjacent to Sayville, and eventually named West Sayville after its neighbouring hamlet, and it historically had a large Dutch population likely from New Netherland settlers.

King Charles I of Sayville also added on that West Sayville was originally supposed to be named ‘Greeneville’, named after the settler John Greene, who is responsible for most of the areas architecture and urban planning.

The meeting abruptly concluded at around 9pm EST.

Edited 11/06/21: Expunged quote per request.

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